Kontio Motors Kruiser 2.0 Premium Pack e-scooter (black)
Kontio Motors Kruiser 2.0 Premium Pack e-scooter (black)
Kontio Motors Kruiser 2.0 Premium Pack e-scooter (black)
Kontio Motors Kruiser 2.0 Premium Pack e-scooter (black)

Kontio Motors Kruiser 2.0 Premium Pack e-scooter (black)


or from 51.95 €/month

Check the lowest price The current campaign price is valid until further notice.
The lowest price of the product in the last 30 days before the campaign was €1,317.50.

Top speed 25 km/h

Driving distance on a single charge 15 - 35 km

Charging time 5 - 7 hours

Suspension front and rear

Rear light and indicators

Available from the manufacturer - 3-5 days

Sales Support 0503558221
Monday to Friday 12-15
OUTLET ITEM Outlet products have a normal return policy and warranty if not stated otherwise.

KRUISER 2.0 PREMIUM PACK electric scooter (black)


When you don't compromise on quality, you get the KRUISER 2.0 PREMIUM PACK electric scooter. Combining quality parts and great design, this scooter is not only a great value but also a head-turner. The sturdy frame can carry up to two people at once, and the power doesn't stop there. The design has been created to be unique, you won't immediately come across an electric scooter like this on the road. The environmental friendliness of the electric drive is guaranteed, and there's no unnecessary noise.

Insurance and registration can be forgotten, because the KRUISER 2.0 PREMIUM PACK electric scooter travels at less than 25 km/h, which is the maximum speed allowed in Finland for light electric vehicles. Anyone who can hold the bar safely is eligible to drive the scooter. The sweat of bicycles at the start of a working or school day is a thing of the past when you travel by electric scooter. 

The unique design turns heads

The KRUISER 2.0 PREMIUM PACK from Kontio Motors has a different look from other electric scooters. Like chopper-style motorcycles, cruisers turn heads. A more relaxed riding position is something to be sought in a lightweight electric scooter. There's a cruiser to suit everyone, in a wide range of colors. Choose from red, blue, black, and even gold electric scooters.


Is the KRUISER 2.0 PREMIUM PACK right for me?

If quality and style are important to your purchase decision, the KRUISER 2.0 PREMIUM PACK electric scooter could be the right choice for you. This stylish electric scooter is sure to grab attention on the move thanks to its stunning design. This is a scooter you can ride in traffic.

In addition to its looks, the cruiser is also a pleasure to drive. The well-designed handles don't tire your hands even after a long ride. Sitting on the soft seat gives your legs a rest, as the electric scooter is fully hand-operated.

Learn more about the KRUISER 2.0 PREMIUM PACK electric scooter


The scooter measures 175 x 37 x 76 cm. In addition to its large size, the KRUISER 2.0 PREMIUM PACK weighs 65 kg. However, it can be locked in place, for example on a bike rack. If the scooter is to be stored for a longer period, please note that it is not at the mercy of the weather. The scooter has a weight capacity of up to 150 kg, so it can be ridden by two people of normal weight at the same time.

Powerful brakes stop the scooter quickly and safely. In addition to the brakes, the scooter is equipped with running and brake lights to promote safety.

Lithium-ion battery

The KRUISER 2.0 PREMIUM includes a long-life, high-quality lithium-ion battery. These battery types provide full power for your scooter, even when the battery is nearing depletion. The electric scooter has a range of 15-35 km with a basic battery. If you need a larger battery, you can choose one at the time of purchase.

To keep your battery as good as possible for a long time, charge it correctly. First, connect the charger to the scooter and then to the power supply. The charger has a red LED light to indicate that it is charging. When the light turns green, the battery is almost full. When you stop charging, unplug the charger first and then remove it from the scooter. It is recommended that the battery is fully charged each time you charge it.


1000 W motor

The powerful motor propels the scooter over even the toughest terrain. The 1000 W motor allows you to reach max. 25 km/h, which is the maximum speed for light electric vehicles in Finland.

Remote control included

The versatile remote control lets you control the electric scooter. It allows you to leave the keys at home, as it is enough to start the scooter. The remote control also controls the anti-theft function of the KRUISER 2.0 PREMIUM PACK electric scooter. By pressing the button, the scooter emits a beep, making it easier to locate in large parking spaces.

Premium cruiser accessories

The PREMIUM model is the most versatile of the cruisers, thanks to its customizability. If necessary, you can order a larger or more powerful battery if the basic version does not meet your requirements. In addition, there is the option of making the electric scooter a 2-seater. In this case, an extra seat replaces the tarpaulin, allowing two people to sit comfortably on the scooter.

Check the warranty conditions for electric scooters

Battery (capacity)
720 Wh, Litium-Ion

65 kg

Charging time
5-7 h

Frame & engine 1 year, battery 6 months

Ei ole

Mobile application

Driving posture

Dimensions unfolded
175 x 37 x 76 cm

Maximum driver weight (kg)
150 kg

Tire size

Disc brakes

Theft Alarm


Road Traffic Approved (Finland)
EI, sallittu maastokäyttöön

Target Group

Intended use
Off-road driving

Top speed
25 km/h

Range (per charge)
15-35 km

Engine power
1000 W

Battery (type)

Drive type
Rear wheel drive


Removable battery

* The technical specifications are provided by the manufacturer. For example, battery life, top speed and range depend on a number of factors. Manufacturer usually measures these specifications under optimum conditions.
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Mainoksessa luki vilkuilla, niin käsitin että on etu-/takavilkut. Muuten tuote on aivan mahtava. Hieno ”kesä” peli ja muutenkin hyvä näin autottomalla. ?


Mukava vehje. Kulkea saisi sen 25km/h, omani kulkee vain 21km/h. Koitettu myös kevyemmällä kuskilla


Akun kotelo rätisee epämukavasti kun ajaa ellei pidä jalkoja laudalla kokoajan. Kontio alkaa narahtelemaan ja pitelemään ääniä pienenkin käytön jälkeen ja huippunopeus n 23km/h


Pakkaus pelkkä pahvilaatikko ( ei rauta kehikko ollenkaan ) joka monesta paikasta vaurioitunut. Tavara kuitenkin ehjä. Puuttui asennusohjeet ja käyttöohjeesta ei tietoakaan. Tästä olen valittanut mutta vastausta odotan edelleen. Toimitusaika oli kuiten todella nopea 3 piivää tilauksesta vaikka ilmoitettu noin viikko. Kasaus onnistui suht helposti ja laite toimii miellyttävästi ja sopivasti 110kg henkilön kuormalla kun ei ole kiirettä


Aivan loistava härveli kaupungilla liikkumiseen. Toimitus oli nopea ja kokoaminen 15min eli helppo homma.


Käyttö-/kasausohjeet ja tieto rengaspaineista olisi ollut heti ihan tarpeen mutta viimesen päälle mukava peli kun kumeissa on tarpeeks ilmaa ja pääsee pojan kanssa kruisailemaan rantabaariin jätskille. Pieni kuljetusvaurio, siitä yksi miinus 4/5.


Todella nopea toimitus, toimitusaika oli 1-3 viikkoa ja keskiviikkona tilasin ja paketti oli saman viikon perjantaina pihassa! Mieluinen yllätys! Kasausohjeita ei tullut mukana, mutta loogisesti kaikki meni paikoilleen, kun vähän katsoi mikä kuuluu mihinkin. Nyt kun hetken perus akulla ajaneena, olisi ehkä pitänyt satsata tehoakkuun, tulee ajeltua sen verran paljon että tuntuu että akku on tyhjä jo parin päivän jälkeen. Muuten erittäin miellyttävä peli ajella lyhyitä matkoja.


Perusakulla ei satakilonen pääse kovinkaan pitkälle. Meno hyytyy 25 destä jo muutamankilometrin jälkeen. Meno melkosen pomppuista tasasellakin asvaltilla... laatu ei hurmaa mut kaippa tuon pidän...


Ihan mielettömän nopea toimitus!!++++Tilasin Kontio Kruiserin toissa yönä ja tänään oli pihassa klo 11:00!!Kiitos!!Ajokelejä odotellessa!! :))

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